Welcome to Marumero-administrative firm website!
よろしくお願いいたします。As a CAPLS (certified administrative procedures legal specialist), I would like to help foreign people with their activities in Japan.Please contact us if you have any inconvenience in your daily life, not only asking us to make application documents.
You can contact us by phone, email, online meeting or of course in person at our office.
We look forward to working with you.
所長 行政書士・弁理士/Cheif CAPLS&Patent Attorney


小  林  克  行 /Katsuyuki KOBAYASHI (事務所案内/Our firm)

e-mail : kobayashi★marumero-firm.com (★は@へ)

営業時間/Business hours

8:30-20:00  (日曜祝祭日休み/Closed on Sundays and public holidays)

ご来所可能時間/Visitable hours:9:30-19:30

これら時間帯以外でも調整いたします。/We can schedule for another time.



住所/Address長野県長野市屋島2973-1 〒381-0021(長野東バイパス, 杉の子第2保育園そば)2973-1, Yashima, Nagano-shi, Nagano (near Nagano higashi bypass, Suginoko 2nd Nursery school)
近隣情報/Neighborhood informationエムウェーブ/M-Wave、善光寺/Zenko-ji temple
上記以外の打合わせ場所「かりん国際知財事務所」千葉県千葉市若葉区都賀3-21-9 BKハイツ都賀801号室 〒264-0025 KARIN International IP Firm BK Haitsu-Tsuga. 801, 3-21-9 Tsuga, Wakaba-ku, Chiba-shi, Chiba
近隣情報/Neighborhood information赤門 都賀店様/Akamon Tsuga

主な業務/Main business

①在留期間更新許可申請/Extending Period of Stay
②在留資格認定証明書交付申請(招聘手続)/Certificate of Eligibility
③在留資格変更許可申請/Change Status of Residence
④永住許可申請/Permission for permanent residence
⑤再入国許可申請(海外旅行・一時帰国等)/Re-entry permit
⑥資格外活動許可申請(学生アルバイト等)/Permission to Engage in an Activity other than that Permitted Under the Status of Residence previously granted
⑦就労資格証明書交付申請(転職等)/Certificate of Authorized Employment

Other than the above, we deal with businesses related to the construction industry.

マルメロとは/About MARUMERO


MARUMERO is the name of a tree bearing yellow fruit.
The trees are popular in Nagano prefecture, where I was born.
As the fruit looked delicious, I tried to bite it, but it was very bitter.
Properties of the fruit are good to our throat, so it is often used in candies.
The fruit of the Marmelo is similar to that of the Karin. The difference between the two is the presence or absence of hairs on the outside of the fruit. The Marmelo has hairs.
